Oorganiserade onsdag.
Yngstingens skola kräver att vi dagligen bokför hennes temperatur. Först ska temperaturen antecknas i Yngstingens -
health report card. Framme vid skolan väntar följande kontroll. Efter att Yngstingen descinficerat händerna och gurglat ska hennes temperatur nerskrivas på klasslistan.
Detta sker på rutin. Organiserad rutin. I morse rubbades rutinen. Vi fick i stället ägna oss till -
jakten på den försvunna termometern. Äldstingen hade igår fått för sig att testa sin temperatur i knävecket, armvecket, munnen, mellan tårna... Med den påföljd fanns inte termometern på sin bestämda plats.
För mig som har en
vata-dosha är rutin ett sätt att hålla balansen. Kan förefalla banalt, men för att plocka fram de positiva styrkorna är det värt ett försök. Min morgonyoga tangerar nu en djupare forskning av hur vata asanas stärker min vatadosha. Nu är denna yogasekvens skapad av mig och utformad för mig.
Min yogamentor liksom övriga yogafantaster är mer än välkomna att ta del av utforskningen - i hopp om att stärka vata.
VATA dosha and asana sequence
According to the Ayurveda test I have a Vata dosha. Vata means to move. The dosha consists of air and wind, which has irregularness, dryness, coldness and lightness.
My morning routines usually starts at 6:15 a.m. I use the tonguescrape, not only to eliminate the toxins but to characterise my dosha. I also do the Nasya and the Gundush with black sesame oil, the king of oils. Bedtime is at the latest 10:30 p.m.
My colon gets a good ride from the Vata as I easily space out from outside circumstances. Through routines and slow exercises I get grounded. As do walking barefoot (not on cold surfaces) and gardening with bare hands. Here in Osaka gazing at the mountains helps me to ground vata movement.
I try to keep warm. A body that is too cold unbalances the Vata dosha. I drink hot ginger/lemon water and greentea several times a day. I have milk allergy, warm soy milk spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg helps my body stay warm.
My dinner is always warm and mostly also my breakfast and lunch. I avoid Vata type foods that are dry, light and airy (popcorn, bread, crackers.) To promote and increase digestive functions I avoid cucumber, apple, pear, beans, and dried fruits. They don't support my vata because they are cold, dry and heavy.
Sugar throws vata out of balance. I don't eat sweets or cakes. I perfer moist fruits like nectarines, coconut, fresh figs, peaches, and strawberries . Cooked tofu, oatmeal and brown rice are very grounding for the vata ayurvedic constitution.
I don't use mustard. Bitter taste in the mouth is a indication of high vata.
For a vata it is also important to feel warm outside. I put a great effort having enough clothes on my body.
Every day I plan for a relaxing time to help me stay calm. I get easily tired. The most difficult time is between 2-6 p.m. I tend to relax on my shaktimat and take a powernap. This is an important behavioral modification and needed due to my light body weight.
Yoga Nidra is a good retoration. Abhyanga before bedtime is a teriffic relaxation. In candlelight and to the sound of relaxing music I can make my own homespa. To bring the active Vata nerve to sleep I can massage my body with warm black sesame oil that contains essential relaxing oil. It has excellent emollinent properties. With its vitamin E content, it's also a benefit to the heart and nervous system.
At autumn and beginning of winter I tend to get out of balance. To prevent my body from diseases of the nervous system, immune system and joints as constipation and gas, the vata sequense comes in hand. Meditation stimulates the mental fire. I start my mornings with meditation and yoga practice.
Control metabolism and the nervous system with dietary, lifestyle and activity changes to promote groundedness, heaviness and oiliness.
I have made myself a Vata sequense to help my dosha balance.
VATA YOGA SEQUENCE – calming, quieting and warming
I practise yoga in the mornings. Sometimes the body may feel very stiff after a good night's sleep.
I start with a very slow SURYNAMASKARA A.
(With a higher flow the asanas are overly stimulating my nervous system).
(Encourages a good posture, straightens and helps the body to calm down).
(Awareness on my feet, connecting my body and the Earth)
(tones the abdomen)
(To get the energy flows for up and down chakras)
ADHO MUKHA SAVASANA (energizes the body, improves digestion, calms the mind, reduces anxiety, relieves stress, therapeutic for sciatica)
(For groundning, stimulates the abdomen organs and digestion).
(Gives the body new oxygen and nutrients, alleviates anxiety, rinses your energy, soothing to mind and spirit, flexibility in hips and lower back).
(Prevents gas and indigestion, relieves constipation, cleans the liver, rectum, spleen and esophagus).
(Maximum relief of vata, all chakras are stimulated, flexibility and strenght throughout the body).
(Quiets the mind, removes physical/mental fatigue, improves blood supply to the brain and relieves dizzyness)
SIRSASANA (my favourite asana)
Brings fresh blood to the brain, rests the heart and other organs with change of blood flow, relieves pressure on the lower back, improves digestion, physical balance, memory and concentration, deepens breathing, stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands)
(Compresess the pelvic and vata-region, exellent for constipation and chronic gas, normalizes circulation, relieves tension and stress, massages the organs)
(Better function for your digestive system, free from acidity and heart burn).
(Destroys all diseases and awakens kundalini energy, stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, bladder, alleviate menstrula comfort and sciactica)
BADDHAKONASANA (Stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidney, relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue, soothes menstrual discomfort and sciatica, cures body and prevents the attack of many diseases)
(Excellent vatapose; helps the digestion, sciatica, redirect sexual energy to the brain and improves creativity).
SAVASANA with bolster
(Ultimate relaxing pose; calmes the brain, relieves stress, reduces nervousness and improves concentration).
With a vata dosha I have to focus on mula bandha to ground.
‘Mul’ means root and ‘adhara’ means base or foundation. This chakra is associated with the unconscious mind and our past karmas. By stimulating its positive energy we bring vitality, vigor and growth to our being. Mula Bandha activates and purifies the Muladhara Chakra, awakening dormant consciousness and the Kundalini energy.
Mula Bandha cuts through our energetic knot of resistance to change and creates attentiveness in the supporting musculature of the pelvic region, increasing pelvic stability and creating a safe environment for spinal movement and a feeling of lightness and fluidity.
Because of my low blood pressure (82/52) I have to do pranayama and meditation after my yoga practice. If I do it before I get a dizzy feeling as I stand in different yoga postures.
I feel good sitting on a bolster in VIRASANA
(Sedates vata's agitated nature, calms my nervous system, improves digestion, aids in healing sciactica).
(Balances the nervous system and activates Ida/ Pingala – the channel of comfort /tawny).
(Teriffic to energize, remove lethargy, mild depression).
(Loose tension of brain and stress).
Meditation focusing on the heart spreads a warm feeling inside my body.
SO HUM-mantra keeps me focused.
Candle light- and Apa Japa meditation calms my mind, erases all thoughts.
Laying down observing my breath is important for me. Ram mantra helps me breathe with my abdomen. I usually practice full yogic breathing.