What you see
depends mainly
on what you look for.
-John Lubbock
Peace of mind is happiness.
Yoga shows the way.
-Swami Vishnu-devananda
to accomplish
something big,
not realizing that
life is made up
of little things.
-Frank A Clark
by calling him down.
-William Boetcker
they become words.
Watch your words
they become actions.
Watch your actions
they become habits.
Watch your habits
they become character.
Watch your character
it becomes your destiny.
-Frank Outlaw
The shining red sun in my heart.
Each flower smiles at me.
How green, how fresh all that grows.
How cool the wind blows.
peace is every step.
It turns the endless path of joy.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
to give you energy to burn during the day.
Fats in the morning are like gold,
like silver in the afternoon,
and like lead in the evening.
-Sara Avant Stover
vilka bra och tänkvärda citat :) jag gillar sånt och att tänka :)
SvaraRaderahoppas att allt är bra borta hos dig :) nu har ni kväll va? :) här skiner solen och det är ganska varmt ute. snart ska jag ut och njuta av solen.
gick det bra med amaranthen? hittade du något recept? :)
du får ha det så bra! kram